With eco-consciousness being very much on-trend, summertime is when you really want to be using as little power as possible and enjoying the outdoors in beautiful weather. However, it’s not always as pleasant as we’d like to think. Nevertheless, those who want to commit to their eco-conscious lifestyle or maybe just shave a little off the budget should be looking at cheaper, simpler options for cooling. Here are a few eco-options to get you started!

How To Save On Cooling This Summer
When indoors or in the car, it’s just so convenient to turn on the A/C to beat the summer heat. No one likes to be sweaty after all! But apart from being high energy consumption and quite noisy, it’s also not that great for your health. Open the windows wide, let the breeze flow through the house and bask in that wonderful summer breeze. Ventilation is so important!
If you are fortunate enough to live by the seaside or spend significant time there, the ocean is great for cooling down. Sea winds and cool water are nature’s way of compensating for the summer heat. Make the most of it! If you don’t, fear not: the pool is a great alternative! Just don’t forget your sunblock. Whether it’s your own private pool, the neighborhood pool or even just an inflatable wading pool, all of them allow for us to enjoy the cool water and feel that vacation mood!

Pool Or Sea
Get Your Hair Up
This may seem like a really odd suggestion amongst many logical ones, but hear us out. Long hair hanging down around your ears and neck stops air movement and also gets sweaty pretty quickly. Have a hairband close by or a clip and tie your hair up when the heat gets too much. You’ll save yourself from a bad-hair-day moment and you’ll feel the relief almost straight away!
Dip Your Feet In Water
Remember that little inflatable wading pool we mentioned? If you can’t, or don’t want to, sit yourself down in the pool, dipping your feet in will also have a great effect. Your body’s overall temperature will be cooled significantly by dipping your feet in cold water. A bucket will do the trick too!
Drink A Lot Of Water
Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate! We cannot stress that enough. Your body’s natural cooling system cannot function properly when you’re dehydrated. Cool, freshwater with an ice block or two can also help to bring your temperature down quickly. Be careful with drinking water straight from the refrigerator though. You don’t want to cause undue shock to the system. Keep a water bottle with you and take swigs often, it’s also handy for having your own “cool frat guy on TV” moment where you empty the bottle over your head. It really does cool you down! Trust us!
Stay In Shade
Lastly, don’t spend all your time in the glaring sun. The shade of a tree is very calming and shade, in general, is just significantly cooler than direct sunlight.