Baking soda might traditionally be known for its uses in baking, where it causes the dough to rise through the production of carbon dioxide. A little known fact about it is that it has a variety of additional uses around the house, each coming with their own health benefits too. The garden is a great place to explore its use as well, and you may be surprised at all the fascinating ways that baking soda can be used in your sanctuary outside the house. Today, we’ll explore five of the most interesting uses for you to try at home.

Interesting Uses Of Baking Soda In The Garden
Keep Compost Fresh
Compost piles are a great way to maximize your green thumb, and most houses with vegetable gardens find these very handy, especially if you’re looking to grow more of your own produce in the long run. Problem is, the pile can start to smell pretty bad over time, and you may have a few neighbors calling you to task on it. The solution is simple: sprinkle some baking soda on it, which will help to eliminate any strange smells emanating from the pile.
Pest Control
It’s no secret that pests like ants, roaches and slugs can wreak havoc on any growing garden. Sprinkling a bit of baking soda on the soil can do just the trick to help keep these unwanted visitors at bay. The key thing here is precision with regards to where you sprinkle the baking soda: make sure it does not come into contact with the plant itself. Baking soda as a cheap pest control is a winner in many horticulturalists books.

Pest Control
Freshly Cut Flowers All Summer
If it’s that time of the year, and you’re crafting new flower bunches for the home from your creations in the garden, you may want the flowers to last as long as possible (you grew them, after all!). This can be tricky during hot and humid conditions, but regardless of where you are based, filling a vase with water and mixing in a teaspoon of baking soda will help you to increase the lifespan of the plants significantly. Give this tip to anyone you give flowers to, and they will be most grateful.
Goodbye, Weeds!
Nobody likes unwanted weeds in your garden, and needless to say, if left unkempt they can cause destruction in the soil around them. When you see the cracks of weeds start to appear, take action right away, pouring baking soda into them as soon as you can. This kills smaller weeds and helps to prevent others from popping up through the surface of the soil. It’s never been easier to keep a happy and healthy garden.
Bringing Birds to the Birdbath
…well, it may not actually attract the birds, but it will help them have a clean sip of water and a safe space to bathe. A damp cloth and a bit of baking soda will do wonders when it comes to scrubbing dirt and stains off’ a birdbath, helping you to make your garden a home for a flock of beautiful birds in the process. Don’t forget to rinse the bath with cold water once you’ve completed your scrubbing, and fill up the bath regularly during warmer months. Pretty soon, you’ll be waking up to singing birds all year round.