If you compare the sources that consume a significant amount of power, it will be the cooling and heating system. Winter has arrived, and it’s high time that you put your focus on energy saving. Not only for financial reasons, but you should also put some strong measures in place to check energy consumed to help make the environment more friendly. In the past couple of years, energy costs have been signed up, and it has become a significant burden on several families already hit by the pandemic. In this blog, we will discuss a few tips and tricks that will help you in fetching down energy levels.

Tips To Save Power In The Winter Season
Add Weatherstrips
You need to seal down all the drafts in your home. The tiny cracks in the windows and doors are highly responsible for letting the heat out of your room. You can get weatherstrips from the market and install them properly in these cracks to keep the heat inside. On the bottom, you can add the door sweeps for further insulation.
A Smart Thermostat
If you are trying to find some efficient and innovative way to consume energy, you should invest in a smart thermostat. The technology has advanced quite a lot, and some big players like Google have aced this device. The intelligent thermostats can easily be paired with the smartphone and can be controlled remotely.
Remember To Close The Damper
A heated fireplace is no less than a boon to everyone in the winter season. However, it would help if you made sure that the heat wasn’t escaping through the chimney. All you need to do is close the damper once you are done. Also, try to switch to gas from wood to be more efficient. To further enhance the efficiency, we would recommend adding the glass sheet.
Avoid Blocking The Vents
There are also high chances that your air vents are getting blocked by the drapes or the furniture. It will put extra stress on the furnace and will eventually end up consuming much more energy. Blocking the air vents will also increase the pressure and will put the ductwork at risk.
Tweak The Water Heater Temperature
Heating the water will increase the energy units quite significantly, and we would highly recommend you put it in check if you want to lower the bills. We would suggest you keep the temperature fixed at 120-degrees and then insulate it further by putting a warm blanket on the water tank. As it will help keep the heat trapped, the element will not need to be heated repeatedly.
Use Washing Machine With Full Load
It’s a common tendency for many people to use the washing machine even at half and lesser load. It would help if you only used the washing machine once there was a full load. The energy consumed in the half load and full load will be the same. It will not only fetch down the power bills but will also check hot water use.

Use Washing Machine With Full Load
Pipe Insulation
We assume that water pipes go far away from the water tank, and the more the distance will be, the more heating elements will be used. You will need to put some insulation on the water pipes to don’t end up bumping up the energy bills. The added insulation will increase the temperature to 2 to 4 degrees F. Apart from these tips. You need to know one thing. It would help if you made a habit of unplugging the electronic items that are not in use.