The 2020s will be an important decade for people from all over the world to put their best foot forward, in a bid to help increase the overall sustainability of the planet. The United Nations has set out SDGs (sustainable development goals) which detail important areas of focus between now and 2030, showcasing just how important the issue has become, and how we need everyone to pull together to avoid a major crisis. Closer to home, what can you do to make a difference? As the following tips illustrate, it doesn’t have to be a grand gesture. Here are some small sustainability actions you can do to help.

4 Tips To Improve Your Sustainability Footprint
1. Recycle Whenever Possible
It is estimated that only 20% of global waste ends up being recycled, with more than half ending up in landfills, and 25% heading to the incinerator. This showcases just how far we have to go when it comes to recycling, and how important it is to try and make a difference in your own home, or at work. Start a recycling bin initiative, and encourage neighbors and colleagues to follow suit. Most people think that learning how to recycle is difficult, but looking up a few tutorials on YouTube is all you need to get going.
2. Pay Attention To Plastic Purchases
You’ll have less to recycle if you buy less plastic in the first place, so start to notice how much plastic packaging you are buying your weekly groceries with. Speaking of weekly grocery shopping, do your best to avoid having to use plastic bags from the shops. Buy a back to use for each shop, so you won’t have to keep using additional bags each week. Over the course of a year, your contribution makes a big difference in this regard. Minimize plastic purchases wherever possible.

Pay Attention To Plastic Purchases
3. Transport & Going Green
There’s no better way to improve your personal sustainability footprint than to change the way you travel each day. Hybrid cars are a great way to reduce fuel emissions, allowing you to save a lot on petrol costs too. Two other alternatives including walking more, or buying a bicycle to help you get from A to B. This greatly reduces your carbon footprint, and if you would like an idea of how much, calculate the average number of kilometers you clock while driving back and forth between work each year.
4. Watch Your Electricity Consumption
A couple of small steps can go a long way, especially if you’re used to being plugged in at home all the time. Removing a charger from the wall socket when you aren’t using it is a good place to start. Switching off lights in rooms you’re not in can reduce your monthly electricity usage by 25%. In winter, remain mindful of keeping heaters on all through the night, and do the same with cooling fans in summer. Simply being aware of the fact that you want to save some electricity puts you a step in the right direction, and may even save you a bit of money in the long run. Thank you for caring!