Life is great! You just got a new puppy and you’re loving every second of life with your new furry friend. Now, how do you get them to learn to do their business outside, rather than on your rug or sofa? While the whole act of potty training can be very daunting, with these veterinarian tested and approved tips and tricks, you and your puppy will ace this pesky habit without a hitch!

House Training Your Puppy Made Easy
Consistency, patience and reinforcement are the 3 components needed to make this all work. If you are consistent, patient and reinforce their positive behaviors, you’ll be saying goodbye to soiled sheets and hello to a proud mom or dad watching your big boy or girl “making” outdoors.
1. Consistency
By keeping your puppy on a consistent feeding, walking and sleeping schedule, you are ensuring they have a daily routine to learn and master. Dogs, and puppies in particular, thrive on routine, making it super important to get in the habit of one when they are young. By taking your pup out each morning at say 7:00 am, their body and mind will become accustomed to this time and they will gradually learn that this is the time they need to relive themselves. By also walking a similar route, your dog will become used to peeing and pooping in a certain spot each time, becoming more and more familiar and comfortable with his/her surroundings.
2. Patience
Yes, it will be extremely hard, no one is trying to sugar coat it, but it won’t last forever. It is really important to remain patient and keep your composure during the process. Know that your puppy doesn’t mean to go in the house, dogs are actually people-pleasers, and they hate disappointing their masters. It usually takes between 4-6 months for a puppy to be completely house trained, but some take up to a year. Different factors impact the time it takes such as size, breed, and previous living condition/situation. There will most definitely be setbacks, so don’t be surprised when they come. Stay positive and remain patient with your new furry friend, he/she will eventually learn.

3. Reinforcement
Last but not least, reinforcement is a key component to achieve house training success. Your dog will learn to eliminate outside thanks to the positive reinforcement you offer him/her. It may not seem like the biggest achievement, but every time your dog pees or poops outside, praise them with either a treat or positive words like “good boy!” or “you did it!”. The puppy voice is a real thing, they really do respond to a sweet, animated voice more than a monotone one. It is also extremely important to reinforce his/her behaviors in a positive manner, opposed to punishing them for their wrongdoing. This will only teach them to learn to fear you, and possibly later in life, become aggressive or act out. Instead of yelling at your puppy or hitting him/her for going in the house, clap loudly while they are in the act and take them immediately outside. When they have finished making outside, reward them with a tasty treat.
We hope these tips and tricks have left you feeling a bit more confident with house training your puppy. Best of luck, and remember: consistency, patience and reinforcement are the keys to success!