Now that you have finally reached the final stages of your remodeling planning after hours spent on Pinterest and consulting the experts, it’s time to find a constructor! This is perhaps the most important part of remodeling or renovating, especially if you are unable or unwilling to do the work yourself.
Of course, finding someone competent or appropriate for the job can be a bit of a challenge, especially if you have some very snazzy and modern designs in mind. Remember that when looking for a constructor, you should treat it as if you are hiring prospective candidates for a job. Only go for the best one!

How To Choose Your Constructor Before Remodeling Your House
Asking Around
Like any modern service, you are best starting off looking for testimonials and recommendations across the internet and from word of mouth. Facebook is great if you have a social circle with members well versed in construction and design who can put you in contact with the best names in the industry.
Google is also excellent, showing you all the reputable construction companies in your area, along with reviews and ratings. You should always be wary of firms that don’t have much of an online or social media presence, as the accompanying reviews and ratings won’t be there.
You should eventually have around a dozen potential candidates by the time your search ends, and you can now begin sorting through them.
The Right Tool…
You will want to select a team which focuses in the kind of work which you need. For example, a construction company that concentrates on lounges may be a bit out of its depth working on swimming pools. Also, if the work you need done requires some artistic flair, you will want to get a team with some talented artisans. There are few things worse than coming home to a mosaiced kitchen counter which looks like it was shattered with a hammer!
The bottom line here is to request the portfolios of the contractors you are interested in. You will want to carefully page through their work, ensuring that the photographs are authentic and taken clearly. With proof of a potentially good job in hand, you should now have narrowed down your list of potential candidates to several contenders. You are now ready to ask for some legal paperwork.

The Right Tool
Show Me Your Papers
Now it is time to request your several potential candidates for the relevant certification and licensing which ensures that they are licensed to carry out the work required. The necessary bureaucracy varies between states, so you may want to ring up the licensing department in your area and find out what kind of clearance you need for the job in store.
Once you and your potential teams have cleared out the legal work, it’s time to check through their references before finally deciding on your contractor of choice. Each company should have at least ten references for your convenience, with gleaming testimonials at hand.