If summer has hit your area hard and you are struggling to escape the heat, you might want to consider building that backyard pool you always dreamed of. Of course, pools can be awfully expensive things to create, which is we have done our homework looking for the most affordable way to cool off this summer.

How To Construct Your Affordable Home Pool
The $40 Pool
If you want to spend as little money as possible while still being able to enjoy the beauty of a pool, check out this $40 design! Begin by digging a 12 X 8 feet sized rectangular hole which is about 5 feet deep. You will then want to line the hole and its edges with some waterproof material.
As you won’t be paying anyone to dig this hole for you, it’s going to require some hard manual labor on your part, so make sure to ask some of your handier friends if they wouldn’t mind spending the odd afternoon alongside you digging.
Getting The Work Done
Please, before you even head into the garden, make sure to lather yourself up with some strong sunscreen. Now that you are summer work-ready, measure out your pool’s dimensions with some tape. The first tool you’ll need is a pickaxe to break through the tough upper layers of ground in your backyard, and then a shovel.
You will probably need to alternate between a pickaxe and shovel while digging through the hard and soft earth. This is all going to take around a week if you are going at it alone, so please make sure that you are able or committed enough to embark on what is going to be a challenging amount of physical labor. Make sure to dig in some steps at the entrance to your pool!

Getting The Work Done
The Next Few Steps
Once you have finished digging your hole, you can use the emptied-out dirt to construct a perimeter around the hole which will help to keep the water inside of the pool. Once your soil fencing is complete, it’s time to purchase your liner.
A 20 X 30’ tarp will work wonders, preferably one which is made from woven polyethylene. This will cost around $40.00. Once your tarp gets delivered, you can insert it into the hole neatly, ensuring that you wrap the edges around the soil wall you’re created. You can tie the tarp down with a rope and weigh it down with heavy stones.
Nearly Splash-Ready
So, you’ve toiled away all week and now your pool is ready! Now all that is left to do is to grab a hosepipe and start filling it up. This should only take a few hours before you are ready to jump in!
There we go, your DIY pool is now finished! You can complete your experience by purchasing some pool floats and a few deck chairs, but all you want is to be able to swim again. Don’t forget to maintain your pool with the right cleaning products and keep the sunscreen flowing!